This is the coolest person you'll ever meet. Kelsi! She's awesome, and that pretty much sums it all up. We chill at her apartment and mine, while watching Glee! Raising Hope, Bones, and the Office. Movie nights too, and pretty much anything we feel like. We're pretty sure we're sisters, we're so alike.

A few weeks back, we were bored, so we headed to the Bookstore. We sat there for hours in our nook reading the new Jack Weyland book, and then we realized that he signed it! Ahh..if only we had the moolah to buy it.

We also do this thing were we borrow a pen from the store, get some paper from our backpacks/pockets/strangers, wherever we can find it, and we play mad libs. One time there were some guys in our nook and we used their names in the mad lib. It was pretty fantastic.

These hair flowers are bigger than our faces. Not gonna happen...

This is such a cool picture!! But alas, no $$ to buy it.

These sticky notes are the coolest. they're spinny and rainbow colored. This is the kind of thing that makes life worth living...Jokes. But seriously..Its the latest in Sticky note technology.

Whoever designed this little set up had us quite impressed.

Ah yes, quite witty.

Bahahaha I love it

Sweet shades! Well..acutally we looked for the most ugly ones

Don't these look like Dad's reading glasses? Except more..yellow? I thought so

Kelsi's the BEST! Gotta love her :)
Oh I guess it's not underlined. thats so weird. Anywho, sorry about the crazy layout. Blogger is crazy confusing at times!...or all the time
fun, its nice to have a friend in the world
Yay! I love this post. I love all the pictures. I think that is so fun that you go to the library and find fun stuff to do there. I want that nepoleon mad libs real bad! Kelsi seems super fun, yay for you. Love you! ps: those do look like dads reading glasses but more...yellow?
man those are some awesome sticky notes kelsi is holding thats for sure. i wish i had some
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